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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Still Locked Out

We are still locked out of Lab Valley but the grapevine and official fire maps say that Lab Valley is not burned. These are photos taken by my drone a couple of weeks ago.

The fire is scarcely contained so I doubt that we'll get in soon. However, the fire has blown in the opposite direction from Lab Valley the whole time so perhaps I'm wrong.

I am feeling at loose ends. It's really odd being back at our old place. We had many wonderful years here, with a lineage of sweet dogs who lived their entire lives here. I adore the wildlife and love knowing many of the individual animals. Back in the day, we were surrounded by amazing neighbors and a quiet forest. But, this place has changed so much...

I am so glad that, so far, it appears that Lab Valley will be there for us when we can return.


  1. we still cross all fingers for you... and we hope that at least some good things happen too in this awful haunted year...

  2. Here's hoping the danger will end for everyone soon.
    I wonder if the family to-ing and fro-ing between happy homes will have an unplanned benefit in terms of Hachi experiencing change/flexibility as a safe and good thing?
    Take care, KB.

  3. Continued good thoughts coming your way. Love your drone shots!

  4. prayers for you as you wait not knowing about your beautiful valley... I am thinking Shyla and Hachi are wondering what is going on, back in the old space

  5. I've got my fingers and toes crossed that your new home is safe from the fire. Thanks for the update.

    Have a blessed day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Sending positive vibes your way! Why is it, when things change, they never change for the better? Feel the same way about where we live now, so much has changed in 14 years and none of it for the better. Hope your new home brings you the happiness you deserve.

  7. I'm really hoping for a solid weekend storm to bring some relief. I have a feeling these next two days of red-flag warnings are going to be tough, but hoping for the best!

  8. KB prayers continue to come your way and to all in or near the horrible scary fires.
    Hugs to all 4

  9. My aunt always used to say, "And this too shall pass." Hoping that continues to apply to the fires.

  10. What beautiful aerial shots! We continue to send you lots of AireZen and positive vibes.

  11. Your new home is in such a beautiful area. We hope you can go home soon. Our paws are crossed for you and everyone in the fires path.

  12. That is good news-thank you for sharing the update. I've been following those fires since the smoke has blown down into NW Denver. It's just so bizarre. Stay safe.

  13. Hari OM
    Let it be sooner than later, that return... YAM xx

  14. We've sure been thinking of you and worrying about you. Thanks for taking the time to give us all an update.

  15. Keeping everything crossed that you will indeed be able to return to an unharmed Lab Valley.

  16. The waiting has to be so very hard. You are at least lucky you have a place where you can be while you wait to return. Hopefully things will keep going in your favor with the fire.

  17. We hope all this change and disruption isn't too upsetting for Shyla and Hachi. And most importantly, we hope that you stay safe and find your home unscathed by the fires.

  18. Just stay safe over there. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

  19. I hope that you can return home to Lab Valley soon. Nothing quite as bittersweet as returning to a former home and confirming that it really isn't home anymore. Stay safe and well.

  20. I thought of you last evening when I saw coverage of the fire on the news. Glad you're safe and sure hope the fire is soon contained.We are fearful here in Summit that we'll have a wildfire - so dry! will be glad if we get weekend moisture.Hugs to you and your crew!


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