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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A mama moose and her brand new calf

A brand new moose calf appeared with his mom at a pond last summer. He was so new that an umbilical cord was hanging from his belly. It is rare to get to see a calf so young.

Check out the video of the pair that includes some sweet moments between them. This was just what I needed in the midst of the coldest part of winter.


  1. What a cutie the baby is and I love their tender moments♥

  2. love the leaps of the little one....

  3. i smiled all the way through, that baby is an awwwwww moment for sure and my favorite is the kiss mama gave the baby...

  4. Hari om
    Oh for goodness sake... this is so precious! YAM xx

  5. Such a sweet little one, still shaky on it's legs.

  6. Such a sweet video of the moose and her calf.

  7. this is a wonderful video. very quietly healing in its own way for you!
    bless you! XO

  8. Awww so precious. You live in paradise.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Beautiful, every moment, and noses kissing, what a memory to keep. Love the pond there, and those long young legs, still a bit uncertain maybe at the edge of the water.Ditto to Tammy J's words for you today.

  10. Those two are adorable. Do all moose calves have relatively pale fur like that one?

    1. All of the moose calves that I've seen have that paler fur. It turns dark by autumn.

  11. That little one navigated the stream really well. Lovely video.

  12. The calf was pretty good on his feet fro such a young one. Really enjoyed the video.

  13. That early close-up: what a view of the 'feathers' around the scent glands on the young'un's hocks! I too am impressed by how steady it is on those gangly legs. Thanks (as always) for sharing!

    Chris from Boise


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