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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Shyla Saturday

I am grateful for Shyla every single day. She brings us such joy with her soft sensitive nature and her love of her brother. I never expected their bond to be so strong. Shyla is amazing.

My wrist and hand are sore this evening so that's all that I'll say. It sums up our perfect Shyla.


  1. Shyla is lucky to have you and her brother, too. We are keeping our paws crossed that your wrist feels better soon.

  2. Funny you have Perfect Shyla and Bob just said to me this morning when Beau and I came home from our walk, Beau is perfect for you, like we ordered him custom designed just for you..

  3. I agree with Millie. You and the pups are lucky to have found one another. I hope your pain resolves soon.

  4. Sending Positive Vibes And What A Photo - Like WoW - Go Team Human


  5. Shyla is beautiful and a wonderful nurse so I expect the wrist healing to happen soon.

  6. Happy Shyla Saturday to your extraordinary girl.
    Rest KB
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We are grateful to see you back. We hope your wrist continues to heal and you find a way forward after the loss of your father. Lee and Phod and their Lady

  8. Shyla is such a sweetheart. Wishing you (and your wrist/hand) a speedy recovery.


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