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Friday, January 28, 2022

The tail end of autumn on a bear path

Thanks for all of the good thoughts! Hachi is back to being his normal very energetic self. Part of why we worry so much when he's not feeling well is that taking him to the vet is such a hard thing. He'd have to be knocked out for an exam (although, if we keep working at it, we hope that someday that won't be needed).  We are so relieved that he didn't need the trauma of a vet visit to get better.

I'm sharing an autumn wildlife video. Late autumn was a phase when I was not keeping up with my cams besides making quick visits to put in batteries for the winter. When I finally was ready to check out the memory cards from the cams, I was happy to find more bear antics! This video was from the tail end of autumn. It's up high in the mountains, well above our home elevation, and I'm guessing that there are no animals in that area now. So, this was the last of the elk, bobcats, and bear for the season. The bears were looking fat and ready to sleep away the winter. 

Knowing that these animals are part of our world makes me feel peaceful and happy. Check out the video if you have time!


  1. that was wonderful to see the bear and this wonderful cat... and we are happy that Hachi is back to 100% Hachi ;O)

  2. What a fun video to watch with so many animals "stopping by". We are so happy to hear that Hachi is feeling better!

  3. Hari OM
    Yay, for Hachi - and oh joy, for that wonderful film. YAM xx

  4. Happy to hear Hachi is back to himself. Love the video! Some of thos ebears are very fat.

  5. that bobcat is so beautiful and I like that your camera zooms in closer when the animal sits still. i wonder if anyone else sits and smiles at the bears rubbing on that tree, it just cracks me up. and the first one, mama and baby, she almost tore the tree down nd then started to go back the way she came and realized she was going the other way. just like me. I laughed out loud

  6. Glad that Hachi is feeling back to normal (whew!). Another terrific video. That bobcat - wow! And bear antics (not to mention elk, moose and fox...a busy area)!

    Chris from Boise

  7. Hachi, great news. Those lumbering bears, the last one had a quick shower by the look of his wet coat, then a fox streaked by in the background, so fast.But as always, the bobcat was my pick, truly beautiful as he sat still, one ear twitching.The bears looked very well padded up ready for a lone winter rest, that tree gets a lot of attention.

  8. I love how the bobcat looks so alert.
    Good news about Hachi. What a relief!

  9. It almost looks like some of the wildlife actually poses for the camera!!

  10. We're glad to hear Hachi is feeling better. It's always fun to see all the animals you find at your cameras.

  11. To see the bears like that is amazing. I'm so glad that Hachi is better!!!

  12. So happy Hachi is doing well again. We loved the video

  13. The bears look nice and healthy. Can I just say I love the bobcat's rear 'snowshoes.' Their hind paws are gigantic!


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