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Monday, January 23, 2017

Seeking Joy

It's been a rough week for me between the turmoil in the U.S. and the loss of my German Shepherd friend. Every time I go out on our trails, I see the evidence of the events of that dog's last day, and my heart hurts. Also, I also still feel the aftermath of my sled-pulling in my spine - it wasn't the smartest thing to do in terms of back pain. However, I can never walk away from a dog in need.

At times like these, I stick even more strongly to my ways of finding peace for myself. The best way to lift my spirits is to ride my fat bike out into the forest with Shyla at sunrise. I immerse myself in the sights, sounds, and scents of the forest. And, I rejoice in Shyla's contagious happiness in greeting each day.

 She's an amazing spirit - so sweet and gentle yet so wild about playing in the snow.
The other morning, she decided to dig up a juniper branch and chew on it. I guess that it didn't taste as good as she expected because she dropped it and made a series of hilarious faces.

I laughed out loud when I saw her facial expressions in these photos (she was fine after I assisted her in getting a juniper needle that must have tasted horrible out of her mouth). Seeing these photos was exactly what I needed.


  1. I am very sorry about your friend. It is always hard to lose our furry family members. I just LOVE the hilarious faces that Shyla is making in this series of shots!! That would definitely cheer you up!! She is just beautiful to look at too!

  2. I'm so sorry... and I'm glad your have your soul mate who can carry the heavy heart with you and who gives you comfort when you are sad...

  3. they made me laugh, love the expressions. my heart hurts for the family of the dog also

  4. LOL...That is hilarious. Nature is solace for a soul in need.

  5. So funny! Did that snow go up your nose?
    Lily & Edward

  6. Great pictures, each one made me laugh harder!

  7. We are laughing at her face also....hugs stella rose

  8. Your faces are so funny, Shyla☺

  9. That is some pretty smile sweet Shyla!

  10. Oh thanks for the wonderful photos, they put a big smile on my face.

    Aroo to you,

  11. BOL! It may have tasted terrible, but it sure looks funny.

  12. Ooh - what faces! I can almost hear words in her expressions! They made me smile - thanks!

    -Jean Marie

  13. I just read your blog about you German Shepherd friend. That is very sad. I commend you on your efforts. Sometimes all the joy we need ion the world is on the faces of our dogs

  14. Thank you for sharing these fun photos of Shyla - It was what we needed also!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. We got a good laugh out of Shyla's faces too.

  16. Hi there dear KB, Hoping your back relaxes and you feel better soon. I love your determination to continue on, despite the issues. I love your girls facial expressions. Guess you probably have snow already-it's looking like it's moving in here.

  17. Those are really wonderful pictures of Ms Shyla :) The common juniper here would also be very unpleasant to bite - it's horribly prickly. My goats love white pine and eastern hemlock, but there is no more in the paddocks so every once in a while I bring them a pine bough. (It's hard to find hemlock without hemlock wooly adelgid here now, and when I do, I won't take even a twig from it in case it is a naturally resistant tree and may be one of the few eventual survivors.) I can always tell who has had a chance to nibble the pine because they have lovely conifer-breath afterwards!

  18. I am so sorry for you loss but comforted that you can still see the joy in everyday things.

  19. Her snow expressions are so hilarious!

  20. Bahahhhahha. I will remember to not chew on those. She is a smile maker for sure.

  21. Love it. She has more expressions than any body, dog or person, that I know.

  22. A good big laugh was what I needed, so thanks a HEAP Shyla! Sorry if it caused you too much discomfort!

    Big Hugs to all,
    Jo and Stella

  23. I must have missed your postie on your GS furiend...I am so sorry. What a sweet doggie, and what an amazing job you guys did getting him back home. At least he is free of pain now, and can run free over the Bridge. sendin' {{hugs}} to you guys and his peeps.
    OMD, those pics are just priceless!!!!! I make those when I see Trump's face on the teevees! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  24. Going out for a nice long walk or run with us in the early morning is always a picker upper for my mom. It helps her mind get back on track and makes her happy. Cute faces the pup made. Some things just taste yucky!

  25. How did Shyla know that you needed a little clowning around?! Dogs are so amazing - the best medicine at times. I hope your back is better soon.

  26. Nothing like 4 paws to lighten the spirit. I suspect that juniper was super bitter. Great faces though (and pawsome camera work!).

  27. Just ran across this post in my reader feed. You write about seeking joy while I just posted about seeking relief from misery. Kind of similar... I love the photos of Shyla! One of these days, I want to capture the Latte antics. I usually get too involved in the play to stop for a camera. While Java comforts me in her low key way, Latte makes me laugh and gets me moving as she runs around with her funny alternately leaping deer-like to road runner dashing gait.

  28. It's what I needed too....thank you!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  29. Shyla really does make some funny faces!


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