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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

From Golden Autumn to Snowy Winter in a Day

Yesterday was warm and glorious with bright golden aspen leaves and an almost ten-year-old black dog galloping like a puppy!

I was feeling so light-hearted and silly that I made an abstract photo of the autumn colors. Actually, it was an accident. I decided to switch camera orientation partway through pressing the shutter. If you look hard, you can see that I was on a trail completely surrounded by golden aspens.

I wasn't ready for the sudden change this morning. This was the view from our bedroom windows. I drank coffee for a long time before I motivated myself to go outside.

I tried to find beauty in the sloppy snow.
However, I have to admit that my mood never adapted to the notion of snow and winter today. I wasn't ready for this. I hope that we are treated to a bit more autumn before the snow settles in for the duration of winter.


  1. I hope so too! That abstract photo is glorious! And R looks wonderful. He is almost the same age as Tommy (who turned 10 in late August) and they seem to have similar energy!

  2. SNOW? I am shocked, I am wishing away our 90's and would like to spend a day in the snow, or even a couple of hours. love that levitating R.. so beautiful.... and I like the 'accidental photo'

  3. love it!!! and R looks fabulous while running through a golden land ;O)

  4. We love the photos, the snow...not so much!

  5. Love that snow on the aspens photo! Yeah, 37 degrees this morning on the walk was quite the eye opener. Supposed to be back up to 70 by Thursday, hopefully those warmer temps will move up your way too.

  6. Must be widespread in Co at the moment, what a change. Enjoy that coffee!!

  7. Your abstract photo is so cool! We agree - we're not quite ready for snow either. We hope the trees didn't suffer too many broken branches.

  8. Get out of town! That's crazy. I am still baffled by snow in other areas when it is still in the upper 90s here.

  9. No, we aren't ready to see snow either! Nope, too soon!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. We aren't really ready for snow but we could do without the summer like temps we are still having around here. R looks so happy to be running among such beautiful fall color.

  11. Although it is beautiful, we hope the snow melts quickly and you get an Indian Summer or 2 before Winter!

  12. I would definitely not be ready for snow yet. It is fun. But I do love fall. Getting ready for hikes in the Blue Ridge for October.....

  13. We had sunshine all day today, although still chilly. Hope the sun heads your way
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. I saw this on the weather and immediately thought of you. Here's hoping the snow has a very short life and an extended Autumn is in your future.

  15. Well, I see you also got the snow. It is still on the ground here, but I think the next few days may see sunshine and melt. I love the photos.

  16. We love snow, but we like it when it will stay, not the wet stuff that is heavy, messy, and melts right away.

  17. I wouldn't be ready for that either! I'm glad that other parts of the country experience the same crazy weather, that can change so drastically in a day, like we do here in New England.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. It's been snowing here for most of the day, kind of wet, but there was a good couple of inches on my windshield when I got out of work. It is too early! We usually get snow like this in mid-October, it's at least two weeks early this year. That being said, being out in falling snow makes me unreasonably happy.


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