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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wordless Wednesday - The Day after the Storm




  1. we love your lodge...the place to be ;O)

  2. I'm guessing you didn't stray far that day!

  3. Post Card Perfect - Over Here In Disfunction Junction, .019 Of An Inch Of Rain, Our Streets Were A Disaster Zone - HA


  4. It is a marshmallow world!!
    Snowqueen Shyla you go girl
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. So beautiful and as always you captured it perfectly.

    Have a fabulous day and Happy St. Patrick's Day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Hooray for the snow! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  7. What beautiful snowy scenes! I'll just enjoy yours, I'm hoping we don't get any more of our own. :)

  8. Eye candy for the soul!! Warm morning glows - old cabin enduring one more winter storm - and Shyla back strong!! Thank you for sharing Nature's awesome beauty!!

  9. Lucky beans!!! (our crocuses almost make up for it, but we love snow too!

    Chris from Boise

  10. That looks so beautiful, and like so much fun! Enjoy, it will probably melt soon.


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