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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Almost Wordless Wednesday


A storm was fast approaching on the horizon as I hiked in a wash deep in Utah's red rock desert. I felt the wind pick up and the air get colder. I began to hustle toward camp and our LabMobile. Then, I noticed a brilliant clump of Paintbrush at my feet. I stopped to appreciate it despite the threatening storm. Perhaps this is a metaphor for how to live life.


  1. Gorgeous photo! Love the ominous sky.

  2. That is a spectacular photo, KB. And a good metaphor.

    Chris from Boise

  3. It's always good to stop and admire the flowers as long as you don't get struck by lightning while doing it. BOL!

  4. Since you're posting this I can reasonably assume you made it back to safety before the storm hit. Lovely photo! Stay safe out there.

  5. Rise above the storm, a resilient bush that determines to thrive, no matter what the conditions. I agree, a good metaphor for any of us going through a tough time.

  6. Yes! what a perfectly beautiful metaphor for life on this planet.

  7. Now that is a pop of RED!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Super cool photo! Glad you are out and about with your camera!


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