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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Almost wordless Wednesday: First bear visit of spring

We have a bear-proof birdfeeding station, a product of more than a decade of trying to feed the birds but not the bears. You can see the metal pole that is sunk in concrete in the photos below. Atop the metal pole, three branches extend out horizontally, each holding a bird feeder. This system has stymied bears for about 6 years.

Every May and June, a few young males pass through to check out the system and leave with nothing. They don't come back, and we usually get no ursine visits after July. Our recent visitor entered our clearing in the middle of a thunderstorm and torrential rain. He attacked our bear-proof garbage cans after failing with the birdfeeders. He rolled one garbage can into the woods to work on it in privacy but didn't get it open.

Here's his visit chronicled by my wildlife cameras.

I've raised the cameras so that the bear's head will stay within the frame if there's a next visit by a bigger bear. This bear was small and probably young.


  1. Terrific shots!! But it doesn't look like this bear gives up easily--I cannot imagine having all this going on so close to my house!

  2. Incredible shots! I love coming by to see what wonderful wildlife have stopped by to "visit!"

  3. Finally, I can comment again! I can always count on you and your fantastic photos to reground me and remind me just how endlessly amazing life--of every kind--is! Thanks.

  4. I just love your wildlife photos!! Terrific shots!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  5. Woo Hoo - those photos are great. Bet you were thrilled when you saw them. We sure hope you get another bear visit.

  6. Wow! Great capture by your wildlife camera!

  7. I was wondering how old he was - he looks pretty skinny! So amazing to see a REAL bear.

    Your pal, Pip

  8. He does look young! It must be amusing to see them trying to figure out how to get to that bird seed!

  9. He looks pretty determined. Funny how you can bear proof a birdfeeder, but squirrel proof it? That's a whole other story.

  10. The bird seed must be very fragrant for the bear to know there is bird seed. I would not think that bird seed smelled.
    Great photos of BOOOOO BOOOO
    the bear!

  11. Just love the look on his face. And who says that animals can only communicate vocally ?

  12. I like the third pic of it looking up at the prize :).

  13. I'm going to guess that bear doesn't have squeekers in it for me to find... right? hehehe

  14. Hi Y'all,

    In the mountains I've been afraid to put more bird food out than the birds will eat in a day...

    BrownDog's Human

  15. My first view of a bear doing a pole dance! Maybe the Bus Stop can use him/her?

  16. He looks a bit scraggly and water-logged. So - finally rain instead of snow?

  17. Glad you have taken all those measures to bear-proof the feeder and garbage. It forms bad habits when they get a reward and then ends badly for the bear.

  18. Such ingenuity...we just love having the birds around our property and always did until the dreaded rat showed no more bird sad!


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