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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wordless Wednesday - Scenes from Lab Valley


Sunrise before the next foot of snow

Residents of Lab Valley - Mama and yearling


  1. oooh hugs to the mama and her kid ;O)

  2. From strikingly beautiful red sky, to what could well be a painting, love the mum and her little one.

  3. The sunrise is so beautiful and so is the photo of mom and her yearling.

  4. Takes My Breath Away - Colorado Is So Dang Magnificent - Thank You


  5. Oh my what beautiful shots. You live in heaven. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Such a beautiful sunrise! We're getting a bit of snow here today too which is very unusual for this time of year.

  7. Beautiful! You do live in such a lovely area. I wouldn't want to deal with your snow though.

  8. So beautiful! Though I know you have HAD IT with snow (and don't blame you!) - yay for moisture in any form, especially with the drought conditions in your corner of the world.

    Chris from Boise

  9. Another foot of snow OMDs...surely are pretty photos of Lab valley

  10. Just beautiful. I'm imagining the flowers in Lab Valley after all this snow.

  11. WOW at that snow, it is very scenic though!

  12. Happy Wordless Wednesday. These are such beautiful photos. It was great seeing mama and her young one. We hope you are having a wonderful day and thanks for sharing.
    World of Animals Bensalem

  13. Such gorgeous scenes! We had snow today, too!

  14. You do live in God's country, or at least his neighborhood

  15. Gorgeous area, love the mom and yearling. So sweet.

  16. Those are the best kind of neighbors to have!


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