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Friday, December 3, 2021

A surprisingly cuddly pair of mountain lions

A pair of mountain lions appeared in front of my trail camera. They were on the edge of a large meadow probably hunting for deer or elk. They were very curious about a scrape. As they sniffed it, they began rubbing their heads together. It was a sweet sight in our apex predator.

I think that this pair was a mother-daughter team. The daughter is probably a year or older. Check out the video to see this bonded pair.


  1. that is super sweet... there is not only puppy love but kitty love too ;O)

  2. What a great video. How lucky to have captured such a sweet interaction between those big cats.

  3. Your videos are award winning. so many things I'd never see w/o your trail cams
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I ditto Cecilia. Such affiliative behavior!

    Chris from Boise

  5. What a beautiful pair! And I love that head rubbing action. Too cool.


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