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Thursday, December 1, 2011

A snowy mirage

Last week at this time, snowy mountains flickered like an imaginary mirage on the horizon.
It was actually a bit hot as K did her yoga and stuck out her tongue simultaneously.
Fast forward to today... Look at how much snow accumulated on K's coat in a minute! Her tail was almost buried in snow. We are now in those snowy mountains that were on the horizon last week.
It was quite a storm.
It's below 10°F here, and I miss the desert!


  1. K looks good in white.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  2. I am completely melting over that last shot! K is beautiful, and that gaze of hers is mesmerizing! Did you get snowed in?

  3. Oh look how mother earth has changed your world in one week. Things are changing before your eyes! I wonder what K thinks about all this? She does not even look cold. Oh K is so beautiful with the snow flakes dusting her beautiful fur.

  4. I do love your photographs of the snow. The last one is especially adorable. I must admit, I am quite thankful to look at the snow from the comfort of my sunny room. And I am thankful that your back still allows you to bike with K in the deep snow.

  5. Oh, look at that beautiful K in the beautiful snow!!! We are going to get lots of precipitation from the same storm over the weekend, but it will be all rain. The OP Pack will not be happy but the Momster isn't quite ready for snow yet.

    Hope it warms up for you.

  6. We are getting snow here too. The yoga shot is great with the rock in the background.

  7. Its amazing the difference isn't it. How does K go in the snow. Does she wear little shoes of some kind so her feet don't freeze or doesn't she need them? Just wondering. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  8. 10! Holy crap. Where is your coat
    Benny & Lily

  9. Like some others, I am in love with the last photo of K. She is beautiful and I'm sure she loves the snow, just like Stella. We have a little dusting of snow from last night. Its getting quite chilly though!

    Cheers and hugs,


  10. Ohhh, that last pic of K is so whimsical. Hope you've got a good roaring fire to go home and curl up with K. LOL

    And sorry to have to say this, but I'm glad all the snow is over there and not here...yet!! :)

  11. Welcome Winter! We are experiencing the incredible winds that you have sent sweeping our way at the head of the snowstorm. The White Dog Army has been beside itself all day under the stress of the howling and straining noises.

  12. Great photos. We're thinking of lighting the first fire of the year .

  13. woooh.,after a blue bright sky, here comes the snow...I get so chill with the last photo.

    Dog Fence
    It's all about Bichon Frise

  14. Oh come on now! I KNOW you love that snow! You guys are so inspirational to us eastern folks here.....makes us get out and enjoy what we have. Thanks.

  15. Hi Y'all,

    Check me out tomorrow! Only our snow was gone the next day.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    P.S. I'll tell my Human y'all are to blame for our snow and cold here. ;)

  16. I would love you to send me some of dat snow cuz it is December and we hasn't had any of it yet, but mom says you can keep da burry temperatures. ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  17. We are having a warm spell here in the Northeast for over a week! That snow looks beautiful, refreshing, and I'll have hide these pics from the Huskies or you may find yourself with five furry house guests!

  18. OH....K.....the dirty dastardly snow devil shook his head and sprinkled ye 'ol dander on you....burrrrr...oh's almost winter so I guess we have to accept it and run, tunnel and snort some snow!

  19. What a precious photo of K at the end! You need to turn that one into a greeting card! But so many of your photos would be excellent postcards, greeting cards, posters, murals...


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