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Monday, June 3, 2013

Shyla's Own Rainbow

We lost our power and internet for the time that I planned to write my blog and visit others today. So, here's just a brief post.

Shyla created her own rainbow again today. I don't understand how she does it - she's magic!
The world never ceases to astound me.


  1. Total. Envy! That's me with you and your rainbow shots!

  2. I am not surprised. She is amazing and beyond special.

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! Shyla never ceases to amaze me either!! Beautiful!!

  4. What a gret photo. Some folks have an aura but it's a whole different thing to carry around your own rainbow.

  5. What an exquisite photo of a most special dog.

    Jo in MN

    ex·qui·site (µk“skw¹-z¹t, ¹k-skw¹z“¹t) adj. 1. Characterized by intricate and beautiful design or execution. 2. Of such beauty or delicacy as to arouse delight. 3. Excellent; flawless. 4. Acutely perceptive or discriminating. 5. Intense; keen

  6. She's a magical girl, that Shyla!

    I've been having some technical difficulties as well, but am hoping to get caught up a bit are one of my first visits and now I am inspired :)

  7. You are totally magical, Shyla!
    What a fabulous photo!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  8. That is cool! On a scientific level, I guess it is the moisture wicking from her body and creating a rainbow just as rain does. On a spiritual level, maybe it her aura :-)

  9. Astounding. What an amazing photo.

  10. OMG now that is just amazing - it makes me believe in miracles and God and spirits that shine thru to let u sknow they are with us :)

  11. No surprise there - we all know that girl has magical powers:) Beautiful!!!

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Awesome photo. She is special for sure.

  13. Absolutely beautiful. I think Shyla has a direct connection to K at the Bridge.

  14. so pretty! We are going to have to try again! Do you find more success at sunrise or sunset?

  15. Spectacular rainbow halo! What a wonderful glimpse into your day when communication doesn't come as easily.

  16. Wow , awsome Picture!
    here our puppies grow and in two weeks they will leave to their new Mum and Dad.

  17. There really is magic in Shyla and her world. She expects a rainbow, and her wish is granted.

  18. Only very special dogs have rainbow auras. :)


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