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Friday, May 15, 2015

Flashback Friday: Shyla meets the desert

From Shyla's first trip to the desert...

When you're not sure of yourself, do exactly what your big brother is doing!
She learned that sunset is a beautiful time...
 And the scents float in the wind as the air cools down when the sun sets...
I am glad that Shyla has learned to love the desert like our whole pack does!


  1. That sniffer has just begun working
    Lily & Edward

  2. I think, I hope, you are enjoying red rocks, sandy trails, and warmth. Was just hailing here! Have fun.

  3. You have the bestest life, Shyla!

  4. That first photo cracked us up! Love them all, beautiful!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Looks like she is enjoying all the wonderful smells as well as the beautiful views.

  6. Must have been some lovely smells! That first picture with R is priceless!

  7. She is so cute!

    Phoenix does the same thing as Shyla when it comes to copying! :D

  8. I love the last photo where Shyla is eyeing you while looking in the other direction!!

  9. We are so happy that Shyla loves the desert - AND we love Shyla:)

  10. oh you gave that desert the sniff-test? and how much paws will you give to this area? three our four?
    easy rider

  11. oh you gave that desert the sniff-test? and how much paws will you give to this area? three our four?
    easy rider

  12. Cute shots! We are in the swell right now, so nice. We are having rain and kinda chilly weather, but it's so nice to be out in the desert again.

  13. Shyla, I just knew you would love the desert,,,,
    and the color of your fur just glows!


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