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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday Snow

Shyla loves snow, even in May. For me, although I'm tired of it by May, it's better to ride my bike in snow than in rain so we decided to celebrate the changeover.
Happy Sunday!

P.S. I am going to be posting and visiting sporadically for the next little while. So please don't worry if I miss a post or two!


  1. Happy celebrating Shyla. I bet the bubbles tickle your nose!

  2. That will keep you warm BOL
    Lily & Edward

  3. might as well celebrate! can't do anything about it! :)

  4. It's always fun to celebrate!

  5. LOL! I love that look on her face! :D

  6. And no better way to celebrate the snow, than a bottle of the good stuff. Enjoy some R&R, hope you get good weather and hope all is well up North.

  7. BOL! Great photo! We just are finishing with our rain and heading back into sunshine!

    Happy Mother's Day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Another LOL Shyla snap! Enjoy your champagne, ladies :)
    It went over 90F here today. I would find a May snowstorm quite refreshing...and we've had them before, so you never know!

  9. You look ready to pawty pretty Shyla!

  10. Happy celebrating, and happy, happy spring and spring snow! Take care!!

  11. Couldn't believe that some places in Colorado got a foot of snow. Definitely some refreshment is in order.

  12. What a great picture about celebrating!

  13. Happy Celebrating and a happy mom's day and ... a happy may-cember :o)
    easy rider

  14. Whatcha got there, Shyla??? Enjoy your snow!

    Wishing your Mommy a very Happy (but belated) Mother's Day!

  15. Celebrating of any kind is a good thing.

  16. Great pic of Shyla - hopefully today you're all celebrating sunshine! Getting ready to bike in Denver - blue skies, finally! A little chilly though.

  17. Cute picture! It would make a good "Happy New Year" card!


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