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Saturday, August 15, 2015

One spot in the forest

One spot in the forest sees lots of visitors. It's an intersection of two animal trails that parallel a babbling brook.

Back on the 4th of July, the mother mountain lion came through and checked the pee mail.
Then there was a lull for a few weeks before a mother deer and a fawn arrived.
The mother deer hurried on while her fawn lagged at that dangerous spot. The fawn took off soon after this photo, running after the mother deer.
The fawn was back again two days later.
Less than 10 minutes after the fawn was there, the mother mountain lion arrived. I think that fawn was very lucky not to lose her life that evening.
The mother mountain lion decided to leave some pee mail.
Then, just two days later, another predator, a black bear, arrived to sniff the pee mail.
The bear didn't stay long. She bounded down toward the small stream.
I must say that the fawn has not appeared on the camera again since the mountain lion and bear came past it. I'm hoping that the mother smartly decided to move her youngster someplace safer.

The final visitor was the silly human who likes to monitor all this wildlife activity!
I've had a camera in this spot for a few years, and it rarely fails to amaze me how many animals visit it and sniff almost the exact spot where my front wheel was in this photo.


  1. Oh my gosh! Not a human!!! EEEK!!!

  2. Oh wow! That area gets a lot of activity! How cool!

  3. So interesting to think of the sequence of visitors...and I agree about that fawn!

  4. Yes, we too hope the fawn and the Mom move on to safer ground. Great photos!

  5. Run for your life - it's a HOOMAN!

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos.

    Abby Lab

  6. Now if only those bears, and deer and mountain lions had blogs and trail cameras - we wonder what they would say about humans on wheels:)

    Hope the fawn is OK.

  7. would any of the animals smell your tyre tracks and pick up something new? Lucky wee fawn.

  8. I'm glad the fawn had a good timing and it ended well... I never saw a mountain lion writing a peemail... that's interesting, blogging is much better than any discovery channel in tv :O)

  9. We love the last photo best ☺

  10. Awesome spot. Always love the lion shots

  11. And next time through they will be smelling you! Love all the photos.

  12. That is a lot of action in a seemingly random spot in the woods.

  13. Wow. This is so very, very cool. And loving all the comments!

  14. That truly is a very special place in the forest!


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