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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Scenes from the Desert

An alert desert dawg resting on the red rock

Looking up a canyon - I feel so small in the desert and that's part of what I love
A scenic campsite

I love the desert. We missed several windows of opportunity to visit the Utah desert earlier this spring while Shyla was not well as she adapted to strong anti-seizure meds. We finally felt that she was well enough to go to the desert for the last half of April. In fact, her return toward normalcy seemed to accelerate while we were in the desert!

The desert makes me feel tiny in a huge a universe - and that's one of the things that I love about it. Most of all, I love days spent camping with just our pack, relaxing in nature's beauty and sometimes its raw power.


  1. Yes the desert has such a raw power to it. I've never forgotten my trip out hiking in the canyon and my tiny stature in the universe. The red rocks, the clear skies, the small rivers cutting through. I hope to get back there someday and relive the experience. You are so lucky to be able to enjoy it so often. Thank for sharing your experience, it is almost like being there again. :)

  2. it is beautiful... and I would love it to be there just with a pup and with mother nature as my companion :O)=

  3. I remember very well that feeling of being so small in such a vast open space - actually, even the non-desert southwest felt somewhat like that to me, but the desert especially. I'm so glad you had an opportunity for a "getaway" and that Shyla reveled in it! :)

  4. We are so ready for a desert trip, I think we may go soon. Beautiful, as always.

  5. So overwhelmingly beautiful!

  6. That desert glow is indescribable. It's no wonder people love that area of the Rocky Mountains.

  7. Such a peaceful place
    Lily & Edward

  8. Beautiful, beyond anything man could manufacture. And was there another lot of campers there as well? A vehicle and a tent? So glad Shyla has adjusted to the meds, and you could have some time away after winter and before the summer heat.

  9. We can imagine that wonderful feeling from your terrific photos!

  10. So beautiful. And so wonderful to hear that life is good for Shyla.

  11. Those mystical places....and Shyla blends right in.

  12. Beautiful! And so glad to hear Shyla was well enough to enjoy some camping - great news that she did even better while on the trip!

  13. Doesn't that look wonderful! We're so glad you were able to get away, and that it was so good for Shyla too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. The desert has always fascinated me! Gorgeous shots!

  15. How lucky you are to take trips to the desert. Such gorgeous country.

  16. We find the Utah desert to be quite scary. It is interesting to see, but we have seen it and don't really want to go back there.

  17. Thrilled Shyla is well enough that you can all travel.

  18. I am thrilled that Shyla is healthy enough to go to the desert. She look great.

  19. Every picture says so much. Loved the look of your tiny vehicle with the huge cloud behind and of course sweet Shyla. so happy to watch her progress through this rough time. I think the desert will make me heal too.

  20. Glad you got out of the snow to relax in the desert. Also glad Shyla is better. Love the pics!

  21. the desert must be a healing place!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  22. OMD, that makes me sooooo very happy!!!! I am so glads you are feelin' betters Shyla!!! I wish I could go out there, man it is just beautiful!!!! I hopes your Moms took lots and lots of photos, so I can live vicariously through them! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  23. Oh, such beautiful photos. I've never been to the desert. These photos are breathtaking.


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