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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

We are probably getting some snow in the next few days so I'm looking back to last week's snow storm. The fun never ends here in the Rockies!

From my point of view, the only good thing about snow at this time of year is the moisture that it gives our forest. I know first hand that most of our secluded water holes used by our wildlife for drinking and bathing do not have water in them yet. So perhaps this storm will bring the water level up high enough to fill them.

Even though May snow is yucky, wet, and heavy, I still love getting the pups out to play in it.

And, R loves sprinting through snow like a pup. His sister is in the background, trying to catch up!

A May snowstorm is a good excuse for some snuggling, and our Black Dog is everyone's favorite snuggle bunny.

Even Hachi can snooze (briefly) when next to him.

I'm afraid that I ruined their snoozing bliss with the sound of my camera. The puppy eyes opened...

... and soon Hachi wanted to play. R is the most patient big brother that I can imagine.
R is a very happy dog. I think that the only bummer is his vanishing eyesight. I realized this week that the probable reason why every one of Hachi's angry outbursts has been directed toward R is that R cannot see Hachi's body language. If he could see it, I have little doubt that he'd respond appropriately to prevent an outburst. That makes me sad but it makes me realize that us humans can help by intervening when we see the stress signs in Hachi.

In general, we have a very happy Black Dog on our hands!


  1. I love your black dog as much as I love our black dog. but then I love Shyla and Hachi too. these photos are heartwarming

  2. You are just the bestest, R♥

  3. We will take snuggles over snow any day. You are such a sweet guy handsome R!

  4. Well I'm glad about the snow since you need the water...
    Your pack is lucky to be loved and understood by you!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Your doggies are so beautiful!

    Pinot and mom

  6. BLK Dog,
    You Just Keep That Sniffer Wet As Treats Are Around Every Corner. You Amaze Me Daily And Your Character Lights Up The Room. Sleep Well And Thanx For Putting Up With All My Antics. You Are My Hero!!

    Puppy Hachi

  7. R is so handsome. We hope he can hang on to some of that vision for a long time. The pups here change whatever they are doing as soon as they see me with the camera.

  8. Your dogs are so lovely and your thoughts about body language makes a lot of sense. And very interesting that Hachi sort of protests when he's not being understood.

  9. May snow showers fill me with gratitude even if I'm sick of the white stuff. May the forecast provide your watering holes with plenty of moisture. Ear scratches for all the doggos.

  10. I feel your ambivalence about the snow - we continue to get it at the house in Breck, too. (Luckily, I'm not three to see it!) I'm sure I'll be thankful for the moisture when summer wildfire season is upon us. R is a sweetheart.

  11. I hope Hachi will soon learn the black dog is becoming different and needs to be treated differently than before. It seems so unfair that sweet R should have so many health problems. And wonderful that he still seems to adapt and be happy.

  12. Your black dog is a sweetheart it is so sad when they lose their eyesight. We love the photos of the dogs in the snow they look like they are really enjoying it. Hachi sounds like a bundle of energy. Hugs and nose kisses for all from Chancy and me.

  13. R sure is a sweetie. Shyla and Hachi are so lucky to have him as their big brother.

  14. Kudos to you for making the best of the snow! I don't think I could take seeing any at this point, though some in our area had some in the last few days.
    I also think more sensitive dogs tend to have problems with their siblings that have health issues. Luke had far more outbursts with Sheba when she had cancer than he ever did with any of the other dogs.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. We love seeing them run and play,,, and enjoy the snow and each other!
    Snugglebugs, are the best!


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