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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Silly Puppy Saturday

It was one of those frustrating days that we all have every now and then. We are still trying to get our internet fixed, and I had to deal with the "logic" being thrown at me by customer service. There was absolutely no logic involved.

There is nothing like the spirit of a puppy to bring a smile to my face. Hachi melts my heart regularly.

His sister doesn't always find Hachi to be as smile-inducing as I do. I was trying to take a photo of the two of them when Hachi suddenly needed to kiss Shyla.

Then, Shyla was saved by a distraction that pulled Hachi's attention away from her.
Although it may not look like it in these desert photos, Shyla and Hachi are getting closer and closer. Their bond is built on playing together outside... they are both so fast and love to chase each other in huge circles!

Happy Saturday! I hope that our internet problems will be fixed someday next week. I'll be able to visit my favorite blogs more regularly when it works again.


  1. Love the two of you together♥

  2. so sorry you are having interent problems, I get really agitated and cranky when it happens to me and I agree, there is no logic with it at all. love that KISS shot. made me laugh

  3. It's good to hear that Hachi and Shyla are getting closer but you can tell from the pictures that Shyla still thinks he's a pesty little brother. BOL! We hope your internet is fixed soon.

  4. Hachi...if you tilted that head my way I'd happily give you anything your heart/tummy desired.
    I love your tongue action with Shyla and hers with you in the last photo.
    Good luck with the version of the saying goes,
    oh what a tangled (inter) web they weaved when they practice to deceive.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. If a photographer went looking for a puppy to become her number one model, she couldn't have found a better one than Hachi. That dog has some incredible expressions and you are so great at capturing them all.

  6. Your desert photos of the pups always make me smile. Sending oodles of poodles of sympathy dealing with your Internet provider. If only they've come clean and admit they don't have enough bandwidth, I probably wouldn't despise them as much. But instead, they come up with all sorts of not-so-clever malarkey that just frustrates and irritates me. Grr.

  7. We do love seeing them together and so happy with each other!

  8. Internet Provider logic is an oxymoron, isn't it? Love Hachi trying to kiss Shyla.

  9. I was on hold for 19 minutes with "internet support" at verizon before I gave up the other day. All I wanted verizon to do was to test my internet signal and speed at their end, so I could rule it out as part of my computer trouble. I never even got to ask. The on-hold muzak beat me.
    You are doing so much better than I am at continuing to communicate in spite of the problems! I am hanging on to my blog by a thread at this point.

  10. Internet problems are so annoying!! They suck up so much time when we could be doing much more important and happy things, like watching dogs bond. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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