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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wordless Wednesday - All Lines Lead to Shyla

The lines in the slick rock all seem to lead to Shyla!

PS Our internet is stumbling along, seemingly barely working. If I disappear for a day or two, you'll know why.


  1. our internet is doing the same thing, on all devices and even our TV and when I complained to a friend about it she said hers is to. I am wondering if we have just buried the speed with so many people on it all the time. that is a scary path to me that Shyla is running along..

  2. yes all ways lea to you...because you are the best ;O)

  3. Shyla looks so beautiful and glowing!

  4. Those Linear Line Really Accent Her Slim , Uh , EYES - Wonderful Photos As Always


  5. Gorgeous photos of you, Shyla!

  6. Shyla sure looks happy posing for those pictures.

  7. What great shots you take. Wow.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Shyla everyone wants to be connected to you
    Hugs Cecilia
    Boo on the internet

  9. Bad internet would be a disaster at our house since Mom works from home and is online all day. Hope you get it straightened out soon.

  10. Understand. Wish these Internet companies had wider bandwidth, instead they seem to only care about higher rates. Fingers crossed for you.

  11. We hope your Internet starts behaving. Beautiful Shyla!!!

  12. Shyla seems so at home in the desert, and running on the rocks!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Shyla could certainly hide in plain sight if she just lay down. She blends so well.

  14. Beautiful lines...and beautiful Shyla!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  15. I am all sympathy on the internet issue, although I *think* my problem is more computer-slowness than internet slowness...which has never been fast, so my expectations are not high. Such lovely images, though!

  16. Wow, those rock colours. Once when we ( Hugh and I ) were tramping several years ago, we had to cross a slope, and I felt that I would slide downhill, The little foot track was so skinny. Shyla, you look like the outdoors is indeed you place to show that beauty.

  17. It looks like Shyla would slide off in that last picture!


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