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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Fun and Games at Sunrise

At the instant of sunrise - the light is so red!

10 minutes after sunrise - the sun rays take on a golden hue

I adore sunrise play with Shyla! It makes the winter so beautiful.


  1. Shyla you always look so happy on your adventures
    Lily & Edward

  2. She is such a happy girl!!
    stella rose

  3. Her eyes are so bright and full of joy!

  4. Shyla looks at you with such joy.
    We can tell she is a happy girl
    in snow or rain, sunshine or windy conditions.
    We never tire of looking at her photos.
    We look forward to reading and seeing into
    her beautiful life.
    xo Linda and Cinnamon
    H a p p y ~ N e w ~ Y e a r

  5. Such a grand time you are having beautiful Shyla!

  6. So much beauty in this post - the beauty of nature and light, the beauty of Shyla's athleticism, and the beauty of your joy and ability to see the beautiful.

  7. It's so beautiful there! Shyla looks so happy!

  8. I love how the light changes in the early morning and again at sunset!

  9. Games are sooo fun,, and the games make you sooo happy!

  10. The light changes are beautiful!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. oh that really looks like golden stones :o) bet you found that el dorado place Shyla :o) have a happy new year with a lot of good news, so we will have no room for the bad ones :o)


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