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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Bear Dances toward a Den

A male bear headed upward in elevation in early November, almost doubtless heading for snowy terrain to go into a den. You can see the leaves stuck to his fur. He probably had a nap in the midst of his journey from good eating grounds to good denning grounds.

He stopped at marking trees along the way to leave his mark.

As he headed upward, he passed another bear marking tree but seemed not to notice it at first.

But it seemed as if he smelled the tree as he walked and turned around to sniff it. Bears have incredible senses of smell.

After sniffing, he decided to mark the tree, doing an impressive dance to leave his mark.
Just after that dance, he trudged straight up a very steep hillside. It's an area where I know that there are rock dens so he may be ensconced in one nearby.

Here is a short video of his travels within our neck of the woods.

When I first saw this footage, I thought that this bear might be the last of the year. I was wrong. Another bear was still to come through our area....


  1. that are amazing animals... and how mighty they really are when they stand on two legs!!!

  2. thanks for the laughter and joy, the first rubbing of the tree made me say awwww, it looks like he was holding it to brushhis face, I laughed out loud at the second one, he was so IN to the whole thing. thanks for the early am laugh

  3. I haven't seen a bear this year, but as we keep having a relatively warm day now and then, I'm just hoping none will be disturbed when they should be snoozing.

  4. We hope he finds a great place to take his winter nap.

  5. Hari Om
    Am starting to recognise the territory and the various trees now... thank you for sharing these places and their visitors with us!!! YAM xx

  6. They are so much fun to watch!

  7. What a wonderful thing to see. Wow. They are indeed amazing.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  8. WOW....x 100.
    I cannot imagine how thrilling your cam downloads are you never know what/who will be doing the two step or the hoochie coochie.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. You seem to have some sense of how excited I am when I check the cams!

  9. Happy the Dancing Bear!!!! We hope he has a good winter's nap. Any news on Tiny?

    1. No news on Tiny. I suspect that he denned early. The big question is whether he had enough fat reserves to survive the winter and to heal his injured leg. We probably won't know until springtime, unless by some far out chance I find him in a known den. I haven't checked dens yet.

  10. That is so amazing! I feel like I'm peeking into a secret world! :)

  11. What a fun the way he kind of snuggles with the tree in the first capture!

  12. In animal circles that's probably considered twerking. LOL

  13. As with humans, getting those last details in place before leaving on vacation for the winter!

  14. Now I see how you came up with the name for your blog!

  15. I just love seeing them standing up! When they are walking on all fours, they don't look like they would be that tall - but then they stand up and WOW!

  16. OMD! That gave us a giggle, he really got into it!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. OMD, you gots to put that to music! He is hilarious! He dances better than a lot of peeps I knows!
    Ruby ♥

  18. And I see the pond that they bathe in sometimes in the summer!

  19. They are so funny! I imagine our bears around here were thrown off by our early winter and snow, and probably running for the hills! LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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