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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Shyla Saturday - The Perfect Model

My girl tries so hard!!!! When we go out in the forest at sunrise for photos, it's a true collaboration between Shyla and me. I figure out where I think that the light and the background are the best. I set Shyla up in that spot, and she tries all sorts of poses and motions to see what makes me happiest.
Of course, she gets lots of praise and treats for her graceful efforts.

I love my Shyla!


  1. You are a true beauty, Shyla♥

  2. owwoooooooooooooo! you are soooooooooooo beautiful Shyla. we have noticed that the more we laugh at Big the happier he is. when he does something we want him to, we giggle like mad and he loves it. he waits for us to laugh and say good boy a dozen times

  3. Wonderful - Pure Enjoy - Sending Positive Vibes


  4. Shyla is extra beautiful in that golden light.

  5. She's beautiful! Wonderful shot.

  6. That is a gorgeous photo....Shyla is a natural and of course she is a Lab...she loves to please her Mom
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Shyla is an amazing and beautiful girl!

  8. I agree with Pocket, is there EVER a bad pic of you gurl??! NO!
    Ruby ♥

  9. She lives to please you - I love that!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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