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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sun Puddles on Wordless Wednesday

Our Black Dog sitting in a sun puddle...

The Labraduo snuggling in a sun puddle (while being stalked by a photographer)...

We are so lucky to have two dogs who love each other.
They are a perfect pair!


  1. Sun puddles are one of the best things in the world especially during the cold winter months. These two are so precious together.

  2. when the photos came up today, my eyes started to sting with tears. they are so beautiful and so sweet and their faces touch my heart to the very bottom of my heart... no wonder they say let sleeping dogs lie, with this sweetness why mess it up

  3. You really are - one of mine have ever really been attached to one another :( So sweet - the heart swells...

  4. You sweeties sure are sunpuddle happy!

  5. These photos just warm our hearts♥

  6. I love how they snuggle. And in reply to your comment on my blog. I can't do online programs because of limited internet either. The photoshop, and lightroom I have are both programs that are on my computer. I have the monthly creative cloud subscription which gives me both programs.

    1. It sounds as if I don't really understand the options. I didn't realize that you could have a CC subscription but have the programs on your computer! I'm going to check it out. Thanks!

  7. It's so sweet to see them snuggling together. We feel the same way about our two. With all the dogs we've had Millie & Walter get along the best. Walter is the first boy pup we've had and we think that might have something to do with how well they like each other.

  8. Hari OM
    Awwww I wish I were in the middle of that!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. They are totally perfect! I love seeing them snuggle together!

  10. Hey R and Shyla - do you know that you two are the victims of a Stalker???? BUT we should all be so fortunate to have such a loving and kind one!!!

    1. You're darn right! I stalk CUTENESS! And so do you - I saw your post today :)

  11. You two Larbraduos warm our hearts and make us smile. What beautiful photos.
    OMCS even you are stalked by the flashy beast while sleeping. Dang...just not fair is it
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. They definitely are! There is nothing like a nice snooze in the sun, especially with a buddy! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Awwww! That is so sweet. Our boys sleep close but seldom snuggle.

  14. they are so sweet together
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Awwwwwww! You two are just too precious!!!! scooch there room for a black and tan terrierist??! hehehee
    Ruby ♥

  16. Our three have just recently begun to snuggle together...we have now had them for eight months and they have officially become a "pack"! These pics are super cute!

  17. They sure are a great pair! My sisters do everything together, but they sleep near, not cuddled up with each other. My sister Katie and I used to sleep cuddled together. Now let them sleep a bit and stop stalking them.

  18. The pictures of these two cuddled up together always melt my heart.


  19. Too adorable. Hope you enjoyed those sun puddles while you could. Not much sun today.

  20. Just lay in that sun puddle,, feels its rays,, feel its warmth,,, and feel all the love we have for both of you, as you lay in the sun puddle!


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