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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thankful Tuesday

I'm in a reflective mood today, thinking about my life, and how lucky I am. I never visualized all the twists and turns in the trail of my life so far. Life has dealt me many gifts but also some setbacks. I think that both have shaped me equally, and somehow a bit of good has arisen from the setbacks.

Here are a few of the things that I've been reflecting upon.

I always knew, from when I was a small girl, that I wanted to live in the midst of nature. And I am living that dream. I get to watch our local vibrant bear population via trail camera. And I sometimes get to see them in person, like last summer when I met a sow and her cub in the forest.
I also feel so lucky to have dogs as an integral part of my life. I've been blessed with the love of a series of amazing dogs. I love that I live someplace where my dogs can have full lives, running and playing in the forest. But most of all, I feel lucky when I earn their love.
And I love our pack. Desert season is almost upon us - and it's the start of the season when our pack can spend lots of time together enjoying camping in incredible places. I happened to open this photo today, and it made me yearn to see the desert sky again soon!
In this reflective mood, I've also thought about my mother. I've lived more than half my life without her. Yet, she's still part of me, with every heartbeat and breath. She gave me the confidence to be the person who I am - a person who is not following a conventional path in life but is following what she loves. So, in a sense, my mother is still here.


  1. So beautifully said!!! You are truly blessed!!

  2. It is impawtent to take time and count our blessings! Your mother must have been a wonderful person and will live in you forever.

    We especially love that first photo! Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Your Pals,

    McMurphy & O'Stanley

  3. It is easy to let the downs in life can beat you up a little . . . so nice that you can reflect on your blessings.

  4. As my mother often told me, a mother is with you forever:)

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

  5. Looking at blessings is what gives us happiness. We feel so sorry for people who have such small lives and are miserable.

  6. Great post! We all have the good and the bad in our lives but, like you, we choose how we look at those things and how they shape us. Your mom must have been a beautiful woman inside and out!

  7. KB what a very heart felt post!! So beautiful,, and yes,, your mother is with you.

  8. Count your blessings and name them one by one and see what God has done. An old hymn but your post brought it to the font of my mind.....can't stop humming it.

    Aroo to you,

  9. That was great. It's so nice you get to live the life you want. So many people never get to. I will be waiting for your desert photos too.

  10. A beautiful post
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Agree, beautiful post....your words are as beautiful as your photos!!

  12. Beautiful reflections on your life. Just today I came across a quote that says "The bumps in the road remind us that we are still on the road". Despite setbacks, you are still on the road, fulfilling your dreams (and sharing them with lucky us!).

  13. Taking a moment to step back and assess your journey is always worthwhile time spent. You have indeed been blessed. Your gratitude and sense of shaping your reality are part of the reason your blog is so powerful and vibrant. Thank you...and you mother.

  14. This will be one of my favorite posts, and I thank you for it.


  15. What a beautiful post, KB♥

  16. Gifts and losses together make up a life well-lived.

    Ad I so agree about living with a dog somewhere they can really enjoy their lives. I always wonder about big dogs stuck in cities...

  17. You are sure surrounded by many blessings!

  18. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt post with us today. We just loved that picture of the sky. Loved it.
    stella rose

  19. Spring is a good time to be reflective. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  20. Wonderful post KB! I love all these things about your blog-that you share your wildlife with us and your life. I'm thankful that I get glimpses into your area. My mom has been gone for more than half my life as well; I can't say she shaped me, but I know I have some of her traits. Have a wonderful evening friend!

  21. What a lovely post. I'm sure your mom would be proud of you. It's great that you've been able to live the life you want to live. I think your life looks fascinating! (But I'm happy to just watch it. I love nature - but I'm also a big weenie city-girl who's used to being in front of a computer most of the day. But I also feel lucky to be living the life I want to.) :) Amazing night sky photo!

  22. I'm thankful that you choose to share the beauty, the ups and downs, your beautiful dogs, that wonderful nature with the world - because my life would be less vibrant without it.


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