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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Life here at R and Shyla's house is calming down. The Duo are back to their snuggling ways.Today, I found them lying together.

Then, R decided to really cuddle with his sister.
These two make me so happy. And, I'm starting to think that Hachi might be back in the snuggle piles with them someday. But, I'm trying not to accelerate past all the work to be done before that happens.

In the meantime, we will enjoy what we can do.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    They radiate Love and I am receiving healing vibes from them! YAM xx

  2. I'm glad things seem to be calming down. I cannot bear to think of the lovely black dog being stressed after all he has been through. He is my favorite blog dog.

  3. Love the snuggles♥ Happy Father's Day to your dad, R, Shyla and Hachi!

  4. It's so wonderful to see those two relaxed and snuggling! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. What precious photos of the Labra Duo...slow and steady wins the race.
    The Duo have such a dynamic Hachi needs to find his place. Back when my daughter was young I always found it more challenging to have 3 children over to play when she and one of the other girls had a longer standing relationship. # 3 has a purpose in the group you just have to let it rise to the top.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. R, you shine and smile with happiness.

  7. We hope Hachi is back in the pile soon, but understand wanting to take it slowly.

  8. We are sure Hachi willl be back soon. R is as handsome as always.

  9. R and Shyla sure are cute together. We're sure that one day Hachi will be part of it again too.

  10. I love your black dog Sunday posts and it's lovely to see them cuddling. Mine do not cuddle, but I have had other dogs that would end up in a loving cuddly pile.

  11. Always so sweet seeing the Labra-Duo together.

  12. Oh, there is nothin' better than Labraduo snuggle pics!
    I hopes Hachi can snuggle one day soon too, butts when everyone is ready, and you will knows it I am sure.
    Ruby ♥

  13. We love to see Shyla and R snuggling.. and sharing a nap.. and time together.
    They are both so beautiful!


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