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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Those snarfing pictures gave us a big smile. We want to know if Hachi was successful in catching his treat.

  2. Such great shots. I love how you capture the wonderful action shots you do.

    Have a woof woof Wordless Wednesday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  3. Those treats must be so tasty the way they both eagerly take them:)

  4. {Smirk} Catching isn't as easy as it looks. But definitely worth the effort.

  5. The treat, I'll get it, no matter how goofy I might look!! Love them both.

  6. OMDs I'm giggling so hard I can hardly see to type.
    Bravo my friends
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. No words! We played 'find the treat in the photo!'

  8. Your guys are so hilarious, and you get the best pictures of them!

  9. Your dogs sure do make some hilarious expressions!! Love them!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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