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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. What skies! I see the elk are molting. The duo are like statues awaiting your command!

  2. I love the picture of the Dynamic Duo :) What a cute little pair of punk muffins :)

  3. Pluck Pluck:) Couldn't resist.

    Love the Duo - so attentive, so handsome.

  4. K looks so wise in that photo. Re: the series -- just another KB day!!

  5. It looks like another spectacular day in the Rockies! I love that shot of the Duo, and that last one of the sky is fantastic!

    Yes, that really is a section of the Berlin Wall! lol We drove through Dixon, IL on our travels last weekend and saw it, and I thought it would be fun to try some pictures by it.

  6. Hi Y'all,

    Oh how beautiful. Great pictures of the elk...what a herd!

    You've had some spectacular Duo pics where they look like they're moving in unison.

    Finally getting some much needed rain here.

    Thanks for stoppin'
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. I love the picture of the duo esp. R with his toothy smile! K as dignified as usual.

    Beautiful sky pics!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Stella, Zkhat and Jo

  8. Oh, and the Elk, you know I love those big guys. The Siberian Mom's all want to pluck them but I think it would be even more of a job than their dogs!

    Jo again

  9. Beautiful picture of K and R!
    I guess the Elk are beginning to blow their coat:)LOL!
    Maybe I should bring my grooming stuff over:)I could make you a nice sweater!

  10. Gorgeous...thanks for letting me flex my phone's muscles. i had to check my blogs on the fly ;-)

  11. There are no words to express the beauty of all that you shared with us. Mother Nature at her best.
    The sky- I love it.

  12. The duo, stalwart, focused, and so full of life! The rest, simply refreshing to the soul! Thanks

  13. This is probably a rhetorical question, but do you ever tire of such fantastic scenery and wildlife?? :)

    What a wonderful world we live in.

  14. The first photo is our favourite!

    Tommy (and the rest of the Gang too!)

  15. Those clouds look ominous and the elk just nice!

  16. Worth six thousands words at least! Just beautiful.

  17. Loved the first picture of the duo, and the second picture of the elk. Oh, what the heck, I loved them all!

  18. that is a lot of elk! Looks like they are loosing their winter coats... perhaps spring truly is coming.

  19. Those deers are bigger than the deers we have here! So pretty!!

    Mom is heading to Denver in May, and is exctied to make some trips to the Rocky Mt. national park. Any tips?

  20. Ahhhhhhhh....I just loves coming to your mountains to sees da beautiful skies and da wildlife, and R and K! I could sit heres furevers withs my beer and relax.


  21. Such beauty!! We especially love the duo picture very much but they are all great as usual! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  22. Great from start to finish! The skies are gorgeous, but I'm loving that first shot of the Labraduo, and it was fun to see the elk chomping down!

  23. Your sky photos in this post and the next one are so beautiful.


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